Upper Mustang Jeep Overland Tour - 8 Days

Upper Mustang Jeep Overland Tour - 8 Days
Upper Mustang Jeep Overland Tour - 8 Days
Upper Mustang Jeep Overland Tour - 8 Days
At a Glance
Duration8 Days
Trip GradeStrenuous
Maximum Altitude4,600m at Chosar Cave
Group Size2-10
Travel StyleTrek
Best TimeSpring & Autumn

The 8-Day Upper Mustang Jeep Overland Tour is a unique and exhilarating way to explore the ancient forbidden kingdom of Mustang in the northern part of Nepal, which was restricted to outsiders until 1992, bordering Tibet. The restricted land is characterized by its stark, arid landscapes, ancient Buddhist monasteries, and conserved traditional villages as you pass through a dramatic and diverse landscape in the trans-Himalayan region of Nepal, from the lush green valleys to terraced fields in the lower section and the comparatively arid and bare expanses of the Upper Mustang.

The overland journey to the Upper Mustang by Jeep begins in Kathmandu and covers stunning mountains, natural splendor, and the Annapurna Conservation Area and Restricted Area of the Upper Mustang, passing by several other notable tourist destinations of the country called Pokhara, Jomsom, Muktinath, Kagbeni, and others mostly populated by Thakali, Gurung, and Tibetan people along the Kali Gandaki Gorge, gradually entering the capital of the Upper Mustang, Lo Manthang, a historic walled city with palaces and monasteries.

To conclude, the Upper Mustang Himalayan Jeep Adventure Overland Tour is a seamless journey providing you with ample opportunity to explore, marvel, and appreciate the unique Tibetan culture, ancient customs, and traditions in the region, which is renowned for its dramatic scenery, including the Kali Gandaki Gorge, the deepest gorge in the world, along with the unique culture, traditions, and customs of the Himalayan locals, and the heart of the former kingdom of Lo in the stunning contrast of landscapes and rich cultural and historical heritage of the Mustang region without having to trek for several days.

Trip Highlights

  • An adrenaline-rushing flight to Pokhara from Kathmandu.
  • A short and sweet flight over to Jomsom, the heart of the Mustang region, and an equally stunning drive away to Ghami.
  • Drive along the natural and cultural hub of Upper Mustang and Annapurna Conservation Area’s highly restricted land.
  • Discover the hidden trans-Himalayan valleys, including Kagbeni, Chele, Marpha, Jomsom, Kagbeni, Lo Manthang, and Muktinath, named after the holy shrine of one of the three supreme Hindu deities called Vishnu.
  • The striking view of the deepest gorge on earth, Kali Gandaki.
  • A golden chance to witness the rich Tibetan Buddhism as you spend nights in lodges open by locals surrounded by chortens, monasteries, gompas, and several Buddhist religious shrines such as Champa Hakang, Namgyal Gompa, and others.
  • Relish the magic of the beautiful Nepalese Himalayan panorama, including Dhaulagiri, Nilgiri, Annapurna ranges, and Tilicho.
  • Unveil the mystery of the ancient Kingdom of Lo Manthang, royal palaces, and walled cities.
  • Wander back and forth through the dense and lovely forests of oak, pine, and rhododendron.
  • Take a blessing at the holy shrine of Buddhism and Hinduism in Muktinath for an immeasurable spiritual renewal.
  • Enjoy the apple delicacies of Jomsom, the apple orchids of Marpha, and many more.

What to expect during the Upper Mustang Jeep Overland Tour?

The Upper Mustang Jeep Overland Tour is a perfect Himalayan escape for those seeking a serene, untouchable, and unspoiled experience in a comfortable jeep, offering an excellent fusion of cultural immersion and splendid natural beauty in one of the country’s most remote and fascinating regions that do allow visitors, but only in limited numbers till today.

Therefore, the Overland Tour to the Upper Mustang by Jeep is a special, thrilling driving journey to the ancient Himalayan Kingdom, home to several ancient monasteries and traditional Tibetan, to interact with locals and immerse yourself in their authentic culture flourished in the trans-Himalayan region of Nepal. Keep careful watch of the snow-capped ranges and look forward to the adventure of a lifetime.

The mystical land of Jomsom in the trans-Himalayan region of Nepal

Located at an altitude of 2,743 m in the trans-Himalayan region of Nepal along the Kali Gandaki River between the sky-towering peaks of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges, Jomsom is a land of mystery, serving as the main gateway to the ancient kingdom of Upper Mustang.

It is famous for its spectacular natural beauty and cultural treasures; it reveals an amazing variety, starting from the deserted plains to the green valleys of the rivers and traditional houses in the style of Tibetan together with enchanting impressions of the mountain ranges of the Himalayas that remain fascinating here with blue pines growing in the middle of the hills and mountains, among lovers of adventures and culture.

The charming vista of the deepest gorge in the world, Kali Gandaki

The Upper Mustang Jeep Overland Tour is mostly along the Kali Gandaki Gorge, noted as the deepest gorge on the planet at an elevation of 3,802 m, plunged into an admirable depth, offering an alluring charm and awe-inspiring vista that captivates the heart of each visitor, flanked by the grand mountain peaks of Annapurna and Dhaulagiri above, creating a dramatic contrast to the verdant green valleys and bluish sparkling rivers and banks.

As you move further and further to the Upper Mustang, the views of the Kali Gandaki get more and more expansive as you wind through the unmatchable charisma of the geological marvels and cultural heritage. The typical mountain villages perched on the edges of cliffs, centuries-old monasteries, and the tranquil beauty of the river itself add much to the unparalleled positioning and beauty of the Kali Gandaki Gorge during the overland tour to the Upper Mustang by Jeep.

Discovery of the unique appeal of the forbidden Kingdom of Nepal, Lo Manthang

Currently a rural municipality in the remote, almost at the end of the Mustang district bordering the Tibet autonomous region of China to the north and Dalome in the south, Gandaki province to the west of Nepal, Lo Manthang is a famed ancient walled city of the country in the Upper Mustang region, which once was a former capital of the Kingdom of Lo, featuring well-preserved Tibetan Buddhist culture, ancient royal palaces, monasteries with exquisite frescoes, and typical mud-red brick houses.

Dating back to the 15th century, the four-story whitewashed royal palace is an iconic landmark offering an epic glimpse at the traditional blend of Tibetan and Nepali architecture that once served the royalties of Mustang, along with several ancient monasteries such as Thuchen Gompa, Chodey Gompa, and Jampa Gomba, still a spiritual center of the Upper Mustang, which is cherished for the assembly hall, intricate murals, main monastery, and also the “God House,” respectively.

Similarly, the Lo Manthang section of the Upper Mustang region is also dotted with numerous ancient caves, which are believed to be meditation hubs for various spiritual leaders in the region who have gained liberation to take a short trip on horseback or yak, where you can also notice the most vibrant atmosphere if your visit to the Upper Mustang Jeep Overland Tour coincides with the largest festival of the region called “Tiji” for a continuous three days of praying for world peace and harmony every year.

The transformative journey through the holy sanctum of Muktinath

A visit to Muktinath Temple is an integral part of the Jeep ride to explore the Upper Mustang, which fills you with a true sense of serenity and spiritual awakening as soon as you step into its encompassment. Revered by both Hindus and Buddhists, the central temple is considered that of “Vishnu” in Hinduism and Avalokiteshvara in Buddhism and receives a notable number of visitors across the globe, including locals with a strong belief in being provided liberation (moksha) from all sorts of karma in life.

The temple area consists of 108 sacred water sprouts directly flowing from the glacial lakes of the Himalayas at high altitudes such as Nilgiri, Dhaulagiri, and Annapurna, along with an eternal flame, a natural gas flame that has been burning continuously, including the Jwala Mai Temple, treasured as the manifestation of Parvati as the goddess of fire, to take baths and participate in various rites, rituals, and offerings that nonetheless offer space for profound personal growth, spiritual connection, and transformation, whether pilgrims or not.

A smooth journey to the hidden gem of the Nepalese Himalayas, Upper Mustang

the classic routes to the Upper Mustang that involve hiking through the high altitude for several days, traveling by Jeep allows a more comfortable, flexible, and accessible experience without the need for strenuous leg walks. To remain well prepared for acute mountain sickness (AMS) or altitude sickness, the Upper Mustang Jeep Overland Tour caters to a wide range of adventurers, cultural and natural enthusiasts, and those with a rich history of the region of all ages, fitness levels, and experiences.

Further, the experience is enhanced by the professionals in the field as they guide you through the region’s rich history, culture, and natural beauty, along with careful and effective navigation through comparatively strenuous and more difficult sections with a potential risk of acute mountain sickness that generally includes nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sudden loss of balance, rapid heartbeat, problems breathing, and several others as well.

Why is the 8-day itinerary the best route for the Upper Mustang Jeep Overland Tour?

Though multiple itineraries can be crafted for the Upper Mustang Jeep Overland Tour, the 8-day tour is considered the best one, allowing bountiful exploration such as visiting key highlights such as Lo Manthang, Muktinath, Kagbeni, Jomsom, and others in a peaceful manner along with adequate rest, deep cultural engagement, and scenic experience.

Moreover, this 8-day itinerary at Ammonite Adventures and Treks Pvt. Ltd. can be customized as per your schedule, area of interest, and affordability, whether you wish to elongate the number of tour days or reduce it.

Stay in contact for the best prices and itinerary to explore the mystery of the Nepalese hills and Himalayas, offering unrivaled memories and adventure. We take care of all trekking, climbing, tours, jungle safaris, and hiking logistics as necessary while you delve completely into the seamless holiday's best destination, even for the years 2024 and 2025.

The 8-Day Upper Mustang Jeep Overland Tour Cost for 202/2025

Yes, like the various trekking routes to the Himalayan regions of Nepal such as Annapurna Base Camp expedition, Annapurna Circuit Voyage, or Ghorpani Poon Hill in the Annapurna Conservation Area and Everest Base Camp Pilgrimage, Gokyo Lake Trekking, Everest Base Camp Hiking, Island Peak Climbing, and others in the Everest Himalayas of Nepal, the package cost for the Upper Mustang Overland Tour on Jeep also varies significantly based on your tour operators, your specific requirements during the journey, level of services chosen, and additional services you are looking forward to.

Therefore, it is good to quote at least USD 2,500 to USD 4,000 in budget per person for the Upper Mustang Road Trip Cost, where reputable trek, tour, travel, and climbing organizers like Ammonite Adventures and Treks provide you with a special group discounted price.


Upon your arrival at the Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA), you will be greeted by an airport representative of Ammonite Adventures and Treks Pvt. Ltd., who will also drive you to the hotel and transfer you to the domestic terminal of the TIA to board a flight to Pokhara, a famous tourism hub of Nepal after Kathmandu.

The city of Pokhara is renowned for the turquoise beauty of Phewa Lake, reflecting the majestic snowcapped mountains such as Annapurna, Dhaulagiri, and Machhapuchhre at its backdrop amidst the nearby lush hills and serene nature. It is a haven for adventure enthusiasts to involve themselves, be it in paragliding, bungee jumping, kayaking, canoeing, boating, and several others, and lastly, to spend overnight at the lakeside.

Max. Altitude: 1,400mMeal: Complimentary-DinnerAccommodation: Three-Star-Hotel

The overland trip to the Upper Mustang officially begins this day with a drive to Ghami from Jomsom after a short yet scenic fight from Pokhara, offering spectacular aerial sights of the valleys, hills, Himalayas, and traditional valleys below as you land at the Jomsom at the center of desolate hills and snow.

Jomsom onwards is the drive to the destination of the day, Ghami, passing by the notable semi-deserted villages of Kagbeni and Chele, known for whitewashed mud and stone houses, taking you back to centuries.

Max. Altitude: 3,520mMeal: Breakfast-Lunch-DinnerAccommodation: Local-Lodge

The journey of the day is relatively through rugged mountain roads that also involve crossing several rivers and a Himalayan pass, Tsarang La, at an altitude of 3,870 m, passing through traditional mountain villages, monasteries, and canyons showcasing stunning views of the Upper Mustang and its landscapes.

The longest Mani wall en route adds much to the joyous drive in Lo Manthang, the capital of the Upper Mustang, featuring medieval cities and whitewashed dwellings rich in history and distinctive Mustang culture.

Max. Altitude: 3,810mMeal: Breakfast-Lunch-DinnerAccommodation: Local-Mountain-Lodge

This day of the Upper Mustang Jeep Overland Tour itinerary is mostly allocated for a full exploration of Lo-Manthang, where Kings are still taken with huge respect, predominantly by people of the Lhoba and Bon tribes, who conserve their unique culture, customs, traditions, and structures dating back centuries, including Thubchen Gompa and Choprang Gompa.

It is an unforgettable experience to discover hidden corners of the Upper Mustang by further hiking to Chosar Cave at 4,600 m, filled with Buddha statues, Mandala paintings, and nearby courtrooms deeply connected to religious beliefs, rites, and rituals. To end the day at the local lodge in Lo Manthang.

Max. Altitude: 4,600m at Chosar CaveMeal: Breakfast-Lunch-DinnerAccommodation: Local-Mountain-Lodge

The return trip to Kathmandu begins this day as you head to one of the most sacred temples in the country, Muktinath, which is believed to grant its pilgrims liberation upon visiting it. As you bid farewell to the ethereal snow-covered mountain peaks, you move down to Jomsom through a dirt road.

In Jomsom, you can enjoy the local delicacies, including apples, whiskey, music, and folktales, where Nilgiri and Dhaulagiri still watch you throughout the way until you arrive at Lo-Manthang.

Max. Altitude: 3,810mMeal: Breakfast-Lunch-DinnerAccommodation: Local-Mountain-Lodge

The day begins early in the morning as usual as you get to delve into the Mustang landscape and Himalayas for the last time when the first rays of sun fill the Jomsom Valleys with golden hues in stark contrast to the snow-bathing Himalayan ranges before a scenic flight of 25–30 minutes to Pokhara.

As the flight is short and sweet, you will have the rest of the day to enjoy strolling around the lakeside of Phewa, take a tour of several notable landmarks of the town, such as the World Peace Pagoda, Davis Falls, Mahendra Cave, and International Moutain Museum, or take part in various adventure activities to finally spend a comfortable night at three-star accommodation.

Max. Altitude: 2,720mMeal: BreakfastAccommodation: Three-Star-Hotel

The return drive to Kathmandu from Pokhara denotes you are almost at the end of the 8-day Upper Mustang Jeep Overland Tour, which generally covers 205 kilometers in 6-7 hours depending upon the road conditions and traffic of that particular day, passing through the lovely villages of Damauli, Dumre, and others on the banks of the Marshyngdai River for the first half and Trishuli as you get closer and closer to the Kathmandu Valley.

In between, you can also take a glance at stunning snow-capped mountains, cascading waterfalls, and rigorous rivers before calling it a day at your designated hotel in Kathmandu.

Max. Altitude: 1,200mMeal: BreakfastAccommodation: Three-Star-Hotel

Here comes the last day of your Upper Mustang Jeep Overland Tour. Three hours before your scheduled flight, our staff will assist you in booking and reaching the Tribhuvan International Airport.

If your flight is in the late afternoon, evening, or afternoon, you can use the free time in the morning to explore the vibrant city of Thamel, purchase some souvenirs, or craft yet another Himalayan Odyssey such as Everest Base Camp, Langtang Valley Expedition, and others in several trekking regions of Nepal.

Customize Trip
Trip Service Details
  • Pick-up and drop-off at the domestic airport are as per the itinerary.
  • Four-wheeler jeep from Jomsom to Lo Manthang and back.
  • Three-star accommodation will be provided during your stay in Pokhara and Kathmandu.
  • There are three meals each tour day, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • Comfortable tea houses, local lodges, guest houses—the best available e-routes.
  • All the essential entry permits, including ACAP, TIM cards, and RAP.
  • Fluently English-speaking guides, their salary, travel insurance, meals, accommodation, and other daily necessities, etc.
  • International airfares and visa fees to and from Nepal.
  • Lunch and dinner in Kathmandu and Pokhara are outside of the itinerary.
  • Travel insurance for adventurous passengers must include coverage for high-altitude medical and emergency evacuation.
  • Domestic airfare ticket from Pokhara to Jomsom and vice versa.
  • Personal spending includes alcohol, beverages, mineral water, and others.
  • Tips for guides and drivers are much expected and appreciated.
Additional Info

Do you need permits for the Jeep Overland Tour to the Upper Mustang?

Yes, as the Upper Mustang Jeep Overland Tour takes place in one of the highly restricted areas of Nepal, allowing only finger-counting numbers of visitors annually whose route connects you to the Annapurna Conservation Area; hence, you will need at least three of the major permits, which are the Trekkers Information Management System (TIMS) card, the Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP), and the Restricted Area Permits (RAP).

All of these permits are regulated by the Nepal Government itself with the intention of securing your visit, providing you with essential aid in need, enhancing the living standard of locals residing in the area, conserving the fickle Himalayan ecosystem, and improving the condition of infrastructures in the area. The ACAP costs NPR 3,000 (approximately USD 30), the RAP as per the number of days of your stay in the area, i.e., USD 500 per person for the first 10 days, and NPR 2,000 (about USD 20) per person in general.

When is the best time to do the Upper Mustang Road Trip?

The Upper Mustang of Nepal falls in the trans-Himalayan region of Nepal, serving as an excellent alternative monsoon (June to August) trek, tour, and travel if you are planning to engage yourself in serene, scenic, and culturally enriching holidays along with spring and autumn, which are commonly also known as peak trekking seasons in the country.

Lying in the rain shadow area, the Upper Mustang barely experiences precipitation even during the monsoon season, otherwise called the summer season in Nepal, granting you comparatively drier, traceable trail conditions and clearer vistas than in other major trekking destinations such as Annapurna and Everest.

While the winter can get extremely cold and chilly in the Upper Mustang region, it may add an extra layer of clothing, gear, and equipment, hence considering the summer/monsoon, autumn, and spring for the Upper Mustang Jeep Overland Tour.

What sort of foods and accommodations are available on the way to the Upper Mustang Jeep Overland Tour?

Along the route to the Upper Mustang Jeep Overland Tour, visitors can find a wide range of local cuisine, such as Dal-Bhat (a staple Nepalese meal of rice, lentil soup, and seasonal vegetables), Thukpa, Momo, and Tingo, as well as some popular western and continental dishes like pasta, pizza, sandwiches, pancakes, eggs, toast, and porridge generally offered by local tea houses, lodges, hotels, and guest houses en route who also provide shelter for the nights.

The food and accommodation options might get limited as you hop into the high altitude areas, which nevertheless ensures a hearty, filling meal and cozy night that generally comes with basic amenities like beds, blankets, and shared bathrooms along with wifi, charging services, and hot showers at some additional cost.

Where can you hire guides for the Upper Mustang Jeep Overland Tour?

Nepal banned free individual trekkers (FITS) in national parks, conservation areas, and restricted lands of the country, such as Annapurna Conservation Area, Chitwan National Park, Bardiya National Park, and the Upper Mustang itself; hence, those looking forward to traversing the solo journey to the Upper Mustang should be at least in the company of government-licensed guides that one can hire from various local trekking agencies in Nepal, such as Ammonite Adventures and Treks.

Our guides are capable of handling all the required logistics for embarking on the Upper Mustang, be it obtaining special permits, booking you good accommodations, or taking immediate action in an emergency, along with top-notch navigation of trails that you must be quite unfamiliar with, including a genuine and smooth connection to the locals of the Himalayas, their culture, and dialects as they act as mediators for you.

Must you buy travel insurance to go on the Jeep Overland Tour to Upper Mustang?

Though not mandatory, it is always better to be prepared than sorry while you are on the journey of a lifetime where things can go unpredictable, a key element to an unforgettable adventure. Therefore, as one of your reliable and trustworthy trek, tour, and travel partners in the heart of Nepal, Kathmandu, we advise you to get travel insurance for the Jeep Overland Tour to Upper Mustang.

The travel insurance has your back in several unforeseen circumstances that may occur while you are en route to Himalayan Jeep Adventure to Upper Mustang, even on the jeep, such as medical coverage, emergency evacuation, trip cancellations and delays, loss or theft, and specific activities you want to engage yourself in on the way, such as paragliding, boating, and rafting in Pokhara, or any others.


While the trekking and hiking journey to the Upper Mustang is physically demanding, the Himalayan expedition in Nepal has considered the rough and rugged terrain in the high altitude. The Jeep Overland Tour reduces the difficulty level by a lot, but one must remain well aware and prepared for acute mountain sickness (AMS) or altitude sickness.

Yes, however, it is worth mentioning that the larger the group, the merrier the trip. If you still wish for prime solitude and isolation, hiring a guide is a must for the Upper Mustang Jeep Overland Tour.

Primarily due to the Upper Mustang’s proximity to Tibet, followed by its unique cultural, historical, and other important geopolitical significance, the Upper Mustang region is one of the highly restricted lands of Nepal.

Yes, Nepal, as one of the most welcoming, friendly, and warm countries for visitors across the world, does provide you with the flexibility of hiring guides only, even if you are not in favor of purchasing the whole Upper Mustang Jeep Overland Tour Package set by several trekking agencies, operators, and organizers in the country, including Ammonite Adventures and Treks Pvt. Ltd.

There are two things that you can do if you experience AMS en route, which is unlikely, as you will be traveling in a Jeep throughout the journey rather than walking for several days if still seen. Make sure to stop wherever you are or descend to the lower altitude immediately if possible.